Below you will find all the practical information about that sunspot solr search:
Points those are covered below :
1. Solr search for same model
2. Solr search in relationships
a. has_many ( Using Join )
b. has_one ( Using Join and without join )
3. Search products by price ranges
a. Follow that for more specific information
4. Order all the products by location ( lat lng ) as per end user location
a. In model
latlon(:location) {, store.lng) }
b. In controller
order_by_geodist(:location, params[:latitude], params[:longitude])
5. Find nearest products in some distance as per my location ( lat, long )
with(:location).in_radius(params[:latitude], params[:longitude], params[:distance]) if !params[:distance].blank? && params[:distance].to_i > 0
6. Search by tags as per acts-as-taggable-on gem or normal array of tags
a. In Model
string :tags, :multiple => true do
b. In Controller
with(:tags, params[:tags].split(",")) if !params[:tags].blank?
We are setting up the objects inside the model like that :
It is the code that we can write in controller for performing the search based on the added objects in model:
For more simple example please visit that
Points those are covered below :
1. Solr search for same model
2. Solr search in relationships
a. has_many ( Using Join )
b. has_one ( Using Join and without join )
3. Search products by price ranges
a. Follow that for more specific information
4. Order all the products by location ( lat lng ) as per end user location
a. In model
latlon(:location) {, store.lng) }
b. In controller
order_by_geodist(:location, params[:latitude], params[:longitude])
5. Find nearest products in some distance as per my location ( lat, long )
with(:location).in_radius(params[:latitude], params[:longitude], params[:distance]) if !params[:distance].blank? && params[:distance].to_i > 0
6. Search by tags as per acts-as-taggable-on gem or normal array of tags
a. In Model
string :tags, :multiple => true do
b. In Controller
with(:tags, params[:tags].split(",")) if !params[:tags].blank?
We are setting up the objects inside the model like that :
# Setting Up Objects searchable do integer :id integer :store_id text :title join(:city, :target => Store, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :id, :to => :store_id }) join(:state, :target => Store, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :id, :to => :store_id }) join(:landmark, :target => Store, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :id, :to => :store_id }) join(:address, :target => Store, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :id, :to => :store_id }) join(:pin_code, :target => Store, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :id, :to => :store_id }) latlon(:location) {, store.lng) } string :tags, :multiple => true do tags.collect(&:name) end float :pricing do pricing.mrp_per_unit end # join(:mrp_per_unit, :target => Pricing, :type => :float, :join => { :from => :product_id, :to => :id }) text :category do category.title end text :sub_category do sub_category.title end text :child_sub_category do child_sub_category.title end end
It is the code that we can write in controller for performing the search based on the added objects in model: do fulltext params[:q] if !params[:q].blank? order_by_geodist(:location, params[:latitude], params[:longitude]) fulltext params[:pin_code], {fields: :pin_code} if !params[:pin_code].blank? with(:tags, params[:tags].split(",")) if !params[:tags].blank? with(:location).in_radius(params[:latitude], params[:longitude], params[:distance]) if !params[:distance].blank? && params[:distance].to_i > 0 fulltext params[:location], { fields: [:city, :landmark, :address, :state] } if !params[:location].blank? any_of do params[:pricing].collect{|range| eval(range).is_a?(Range) ? with(:pricing).between(eval(range)) : with(:pricing).greater_than(eval(range)) } end if !params[:pricing].blank? paginate :page => params[:page], per_page: 15 end.results
For more simple example please visit that
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